Tour massif Vosgien the TMV

From July 5 to 13, 2024

The test is available in three formats, TMV 300 – TMV 600 – TMV 1000, with a common objective:
help you (re)discover the Vosges massif, its beauty and its diversity!

Also discover its “gravel” version, the Tour Gravel Vosgien.

One of the great specificities of the TMV is to offer several distances which intersect with each other, but also with those of the TGV organized at the same time.

The three distances all start from Ensisheim (southern Alsace) to go due north to Wissembourg, passing through the most beautiful Alsatian vineyards and typical villages.

Distance changes before and/or during the event are possible.

You too, take the TMV challenge!

The Tour Massif Vosgien event offers you three demanding distances: also, good preparation is necessary to participate in the TMV.

The distances

The Wild DOT charter


● The Tour du Massif Vosgien is an endurance certificate. It will not give rise to any classification.
● The spirit of self-sufficiency and equity are the rules (Wild DOT charter).
● Participants must be autonomous.
● External aid is prohibited.
● External supplies are prohibited: equipment, clothing, food, etc., must be transported or found in commercial services encountered during the event.
● It is prohibited to reserve accommodation before the start of the event.
● Participants must follow the track provided by the organization and validate all checkpoints.
● Checkpoints are validated by the volunteers present or with self-service stamps or by photos from the CP.
● Participants must act in a spirit of adventure, autonomy and fun.

● Obligation to be an adult at the time of departure (Minors even
accompanied by an adult and/or parent will not be accepted).
● Be registered and have provided your medical certificate less than one year old as well as your civil liability certificate.
● Have paid the registration fees.
● Have all the required equipment.
● Participate in the pre-departure briefing.

● Respect the spirit of the Tour du Massif Vosgien: meetings, sharing,
self-respect, respect for others and nature.
● Do not put yourself in danger (excessive fatigue, taking risks in the
● Respect the highway code.
● Respect a code of good conduct: remain courteous in all
● Respect walkers, cyclists, horse riders, etc.
● Respect the fauna and flora.
● Respect private property and PNR prohibited areas.
● Have a clean bivouac: zero waste and zero traces.
● Know and respect local laws.
● Take into account the recommendations of the event management and/or
● Contact emergency services and race management in the event of an accident,
injury, abandonment.

● A mountain bike with tires of at least 2.30.
● A helmet.
● Front lighting: 1 light emitting white light.
● Rear lighting: 1 fixed red light.
● A doorbell.
● A whistle.
● A high visibility vest to wear at nightfall or in low visibility.
● A GPS or GPS device on your cell phone.
● The organization’s Solusport tag.
● A survival blanket.
● A dose of courage, humility and good humor.


This agreement is concluded between the following parties:

  • (1) “ADVENTURE BIKEPACKING” Association governed by articles 21 to 79-IV of the Local Civil Code maintained in force in the departments of Bas-Rhin, Haut-Rhin and Moselle. This association is non-profit and organizes “Le Tour du Massif Vosgien”.
  • (2) The participant (cyclist) whose marital status and contact details are mentioned in the “Tour du Massif Vosgien” registration form completed and signed by the participant (hereinafter, “the cyclist”)

The “Tour du Massif Vosgien” will be referred to as “event”.

The AVENTURE BIKEPACKING association is the recognized owner of all rights relating to this event.

The cyclist declares that he is registering voluntarily to participate in this event.

The association accepts the registration of the cyclist provided that the latter declares having read and understood the conditions of registration and participation in the event.

The cyclist undertakes to respect the conditions of registration and participation in the event.

The cyclist will do his best to refer to the event by its official designation “Tour du Massif Vosgien”.

The cyclist acknowledges that the event is a potentially dangerous activity and that it may include crossing certain parts of the Vosges massif which are perceived as being dangerous and not recommended due to the physical aspects of the terrain.

The cyclist is fully aware and recognizes that all cycling sports and obviously his participation in the event involve a serious risk for himself and his health, including but not limited to the risk of accident, serious injury , which can cause death, fractures, head injuries, trauma, pain, fatigue, dehydration, suffering and damage to equipment and property.

The cyclist acknowledges and fully assumes responsibility for checking and maintaining all of his equipment throughout the duration of the event and for ensuring that it is in good condition for safe use (including, in particular, wheels, brakes, tires, helmet and lights).

The cyclist agrees to register and participate in the event according to the conditions of registration and participation.

The cyclist undertakes to respect the regulations of the event.

Participation fees vary depending on the event chosen (plus any commission and bank transaction fees).

Registration is done via the NJUKO website:

The cyclist, when registering on the NJUKO website, can take out optional cancellation insurance from BEticketing. It is recommended that the cyclist take out this insurance to ensure reimbursement in the event of inability to participate in the event (accident, family reason, professional reason, etc.). If the cyclist does not take out this insurance, no reimbursement from the association can take place.

No resale of places is authorized or possible.

The association favors the postponement of the event if it is impossible to organize it on the dates initially planned. Registration constitutes acceptance of this clause.

The agreement and the regulations are documents that the cyclist acknowledges having read and understood. The cyclist accepts them without reservation.

The AVENTURE BIKEPACKING association, organizer of the event, has entered into a partnership with the company “Solusport” for the rental of autonomous geolocation beacons. These tags are loaned to the participant to allow their progress to be monitored.

A deposit of 150 euros must be deposited, either by bank transfer (see RIB) or by check to the association during the pre-race briefing on Friday July 5, 2024.

At the end of the test, the tag must be delivered by hand or, in the event of abandonment, by post to the following address:
Pascal Chabanse,
2 rue de la fontaine
68360 Soultz FRANCE

It must be sent before July 21, 2024. Door stamp as proof. For each day of delay, 10 euros will be deducted from the amount of the deposit from July 21, 2024.

The association will return the deposit if the beacon is in good working order at the end of the event. In the event of loss or damage, the amount of the deposit will be retained and collected by the company Solustop, owner of the tags.

The AVENTURE BIKEPACKING association is committed to:

  • to have full rights to organize “the Tour du Massif Vosgien”.
  • to have the full right to conclude this agreement, assume and respect its commitments according to this same agreement.
  • to use all reasonable means at its disposal to organize, manage and implement this test.
  • to grant to the cyclist, if he is already registered for the event, a non-exclusive right, but without royalties, to use the marks of the event for the sole purpose of raising funds (for the profits of charitable associations) and/or in the search for sponsorship to allow the cyclist to participate in the event.

The cyclist undertakes:

  • to be at least 18 years old on the date of the test.
  • ensure that all declarations made on their registration form or any other document are true and accurate.
  • to be in good health and have no physical or mental contraindications to the practice of long-distance cycling and the event.
  • to download via NJUKO the documents essential for participation: civil liability insurance certificate and medical certificate (sports license is not accepted).
  • to make a transfer (see RIB) or to hand over to the organizers, during the pre-race briefing on Friday July 5, 2024, the deposit of 150 euros to benefit from the “Solustop” tag.
  • to be solely responsible for the condition of their bicycle and its adaptation to the objective and rigors of such an event, as well as any other equipment or material that the cyclist wishes to use on their bicycle.
  • to take care of the GPS beacon provided by the association throughout the duration of the event.
  • to be present at the pre-departure briefing.
  • to be at the start on Saturday July 6, 2024 at 7:00 a.m.
  • to assume responsibility for their choice of route and the manner in which they are carried out between the designated starting point and the checkpoints during the event and then the finish.

In consideration of registration and the right to participate in the event by the association, the cyclist hereby acknowledges and consents that all intellectual property rights resulting from and in connection with the event and in particular its designation, its logotype and its format, its videos and photographs of the event belong exclusively to the association.

The cyclist also acknowledges and gives his/her consent to the fact that he/she will not obtain any rights to the intellectual property resulting from the event by virtue of his/her registration or otherwise, and undertakes not to do anything which may infringe upon the rights of said association.

The cyclist undertakes to give their consent in perpetuity and without payment of royalties of any nature and throughout the territory to the use of their first and last names, initials, nicknames, signatures, photographs, appearances, voices, quotes, biographical information, notoriety and reputation, the surname and first name(s) of the cyclist and the names and logos of sponsors mentioned on the clothing worn or equipment used by the cyclist:

  • in all forms of media (including new media) known or not yet known, including and without limitation, broadcasting in: cinemas, all forms of radio broadcasting and television broadcasting, all written media (including and without limitation, all general public, professional magazines, catalogs, newspapers, others and periodicals), posters, banners, street screens, air flights and boat crossings and cruises, advertisements in stores and at points of sale, trains and street real estate, cell phones, mail, billboards and websites,
  • for any advertising, promotion, approval, distribution, merchandise &/or games distributed by the association, commercial partners and any other third party accredited by the association.

The Participant Guide will be sent to participants in June 2024.

It will include practical information on the progress of the event, as well as points of regulation.

2 Rue de la Fontaine
68360 Soultz FRANCE

Event Director:
Pascal Chabanse

+33 (0)6 95 25 81 76

E-mail :

Webite :

Banking RIB :        

Live tracking

and saving the tracking of previous editions

During the race, participants are geolocated using a GPS beacon allowing them to know their progress in real time. You can therefore follow them “live” on the interface of our partner SoluSport.

After the race, you can also find the “live monitoring” saved in order to study the progress of former participants, their passing times… and better prepare for your Wild DOT event!

Edition 2024

  • Your civil liability insurance certificate
  • Your medical certificate (less than one year old) with the mention “of aptitude for the practice of endurance cycling in successive efforts specific to long distance on roads, tracks and paths”

So, see you on the TMV?